Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Precious Gift of Tongues

In 1 Cor. Chapter 12, our Lord lists nine gifts of the Spirit. In v.1 He starts out saying that "He does not want us to be ignorant about the Spiritual Gifts". Yet among the Bible-believing Christians there is a great amount of ignorance and misunderstanding about the gifts. Especially concerning the gift of Tongues.

Although this teaching will focus on the Tongues, for completeness sake and the context I am listing the 9 gifts here:
1. Word of Wisdom
2. Word of Knowledge
3. Faith.
4. Working of Miracles.
5. Gifts of Healing
6. Prophecy.
7. Discerning of Spirits
8. Civerse or different kinds of Tongues
9. Interpreting of Tongues

It is a sad farct that this precious gift of Tongues is so controversial and seems to create a lot of strife. So, therefore let us take a close look at what God's Word reveals about this. If we truly love God , his desire should be our command.
His desire is that not be ignorant aobut this!!! In obedience, meditate over this teaching and then bring it into practise.

To start out, we should mention that a sincere and ragher large group of Christians are "against" speaking in tongues. Some want to forbid its practise in the church altogether. Their reasons, which I have heard, are as follows:
"It is too emotional and pentecostal"
"It causes strife in the Body"
"The Apostle Paul rebukes the Corinthian church for it"
"It was only for then, in the beginning of the Church"
"It creates two classes of Christians, one claiming to be more spiritual than the other."

In the face of the clear teaching in god's Word, you wonder why this is. I believe I know the answer: Satan understands the tremendous benefits for the believer who exercises this gift.
Therefore he does his utmost to bring it into disrepute! And when believers refect the Lord's gift, it is like a slap in the Lord's face! He also counterfeits this gift often times with great success. Imagine your father or best freind offering you a gift and you rejecting it!

There are several scriptures these believers need to absorb:
1 Cor. 14: 1 "Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy"
v. 4 "he who speaks in tongues edifies himself..."
v.5 "I wish you all spoke with tongues..."
v.14 "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays..."
v.18 "I thank my God that I sprak with tongues more than all of you"
v.37-38 "If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the thing I write are the commands of God."

if these Christians love the Lord, I really do not need to add any further rebuke.

But then, there are many Christians who say that they are not against this gift of tongues, but they believe it is not for them and therefore the Lord does not give it to them. However, many times you can detect an antipathy toward this gift in their spirit. The defense they have and quickly brien out is 1 Cor.12:30, Paul's question, " all speak in tongues?" Obviously this has to be answered with "No." Not all Christians do. However, to then draw the conclusion from this that the Lord is telling us that this gift is not for everyone is very wrong.
If this were true, then the Lord is contradicting Himself in 1 Cor. 14:5 "I wish you all speak in tongues." He was simply just pointing out that not all do. And I believe he was talking about the special kind of tongues which is equal to prophecy and has to be followed by interpretation. This is clear from the context with the rest of the question, "do all interpret?"
However, the non-tongue-speaker will usually quickly refer to 1 Cor. 12:25 as context that it brings a schism in the Body! All the while, they do not realize that, as an excuse for their unwillingness, they accuse the Lord of having an ingerior gift, or having refused to give them the gift of tongues.

For those who earnestly desire spiritual gifts, including tongues, this teaching is for the purpose to help them to receivethis precious gift. The situation is not helped much by those who do exercize it themselves, but tell those who don't that it is alright not to have it. Many tongues-speakers seem to have the need to be tolerant with this and therefore teach that it is alright with the Lord not to desire the gift of tongues! Most of the time, this is caused by a misunderstanding of 1 Cor. 12:30, "do all speak with tongues?"

Another reason is that many do not discern that there are "diverse or different types of tongues", and that Paul referred in his question, "Do all...", to the specific kind of tongues which has to be followed by interpretation, in the corporate meeting. The result is that today we have many so called "spiritual" worship leaders who are not able to use the gift of tongues. This is the case, while the Scriptures tell us to sing and pray in tongues (1 cor. 14:15). Therefore we can say, the blind are trying to lead the blind! 1 Cor. 14:5 DOES say this: "I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied, for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless he indeed interprets, that the church may receive edification".

In this sentence, in addition to the expressed wish of the Lord, that we speak with tongues, IN NO WAY takes away from that the Lord WISHES tongues! It only makes clear that tongues are on par with prophecy when followed by interpretation!


it is essential that we do understand that the gift of tongues is "diverse", or "of different kinds". It is the only gift listed like that. Notice though that when Paul speaks about the gifts the word diversicy is used several times in 1 Cor. 12.

In a way, you could say that the gift of tongues consists out of several gifts connected to "strange tongues" (not your own language). If you do not discern this, you will have a problem understanding "do all speak in tongues", and "he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God", or "I thank God I speak with tongues more than you all, yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my underatanding".

These Scriptures have to be seen in the light that there are at least 3 different types of tongue gifts. Studying God's Word, we can readily observe 3 different kinds:

1) In Acts 2, on the day of Pentecost, the gift of tongues is used to clear the barrier of foreign languages, to let the foreigners understand the words spoken by the first apostles. It oculd be still in operation today. I have heard some testimonies to that end, but also heard stories about missionaries who refused to learn foreign languages and fell flat on their faces. They were too zealous for this particular kind of tongues and presumptuous and therefore failed.

2) the gift of tongues being exercised as a prophetic message to the believers, which must be followed by the gift of interpretation. (1 Cor. 14:13, 14:5)
Then it is on par and equal to the gift of prophecy (v.5)

3) when Paul states in verse 18 his thanks to God for his gift of tongues, he is referring to the kind he is using in his praise and worship. We must conclude that because he adds, "I would rather speak with understanding in church..."

then there are several exortations to pray, sing and worship in tongues, which is called "speaking to God, not to men".

So here we have already 3 different kinds of tongues. Extinctly different from each other that you could say they are 3 different gifts. We must consider that in order to clearly understand what he is trying to tell us.

When Paul states the question, "do all speak in tongues?" He is definitely talking about the tongues being used as prophecy. Not all are used by the Lord in that way. The statement "I wish you all spoke in tongues" pertains clearly to the tongues used for prayer, worship and praise. Keep in mind that the Lord never contradicts Himself!


The tongues which are for everyt believer is the one used for prayer. Praise and worship, becasue that is what the Lord desires from every believer. We must worship Him in Spirit and Truth. God found it necessary to record Paul's statement in 1 Cor. 14:37, "The things I write are the Commands of God". He apparently foresaw that some people would not be able ot accept what Paul is saying. In 1 Cor. 14:15, Paul's admonition to us is "I will pray with the Spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the Spirit and also with the understanding." this conclusion he gives after he explains the difference between the Prophetic tongues and the private worship tongues. This admonition to use tongues for worship and prayer is also given in several other scriptures.

Col. 3:16 to worship with "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs"

Eph. 5:19 to be filled with the Spirit, also then using tongues in spiritual songs.

Jude 21 is speaking about building ourselves up in our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.

Although these 3 Scriptures do not specifically mention tongues, it is implied.


Does the Lord want the gift of tongues for all believers? The answer is a qualified YES! Qualified because there is definite proof in God's Word for it.

Let us consider the following:
A. Acts 2:1, when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. These all consisted of about 120 followers of Jesus as mentioned in Acts 1:15. Now think about this! Anytime when you have 120 believers together there are all kinds of people among them. They range from babes in Christ to well-matured followers. Assuredly there wer some still struggling with old sins and bad habits. This is likely since Jesus ministered only of 3 years and many could have been very recent converts. Yet, amazingbly, the Lord chooses to baptize them All with the Holy Spirit and give them all the gift of Tongues! He did not determine that some of the 120 were not worthy to receive the GIFT.

This idea should be of tremendous encouragement to those who are seeking for this gift. It was to me a vital discovery that it is not a matter of worthiness.

When I was seeking, some 30 year ago, I was still smoking. I thought that it kept me from receiving, gut the Lord sent me a man who told me that His father was actually smoking when he got baptized with the Holy Spirit. It opened my eyes to the Lord's attitude. Shorltly after I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues, the Lord helped me to quit smoking. If you wait until you are worthy enough, you might never receive! You may be one of thowe who does desire, but is not receiving because deep in your heart you feel unworthy?
"Come unto me and drink!" cried Jesus in John 7:37

B. The fact that He gave all 120 believers the gift of tongues is right in line with His Word. 1 Cor. 14:5 states "I wish yo all spoke with tongues", etc...
Although prophecy is greater unless you follow with interpretation, it does not diminsth the fact that IT IS THE LORD'S WISH FOR ALL!!!

The only qualification there is for receiving the Batism with the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues is to be a Bible-believing, born-again Christian, who is THIRSTY.
How do you receive it? By Faith, just like yo received your salvation with eternal life. James 1:7 states theat yo cannot receive anything from the Lord without faith. You have veceived a measure of faith, so put it ot work! John 7:37 tells us that Jesus stood up and cried out, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believes, as the Scriptures has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water"
We can grasp the importance of this statement by the fact that the Lord wanted to make sure that we undeerstand what he was talking about. In the following verse (39), He gives a full explanation of what He meant to say: "but this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believeing in Him ould receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, becasue Jesus was not yet glorified."

After Jesus went to Heaven and was glorified, it happened on the day of Pentecost. Remarkable, he is comparing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with drinking Living water, and the tongues following with rivers of this water flowing out of us! And the thirsty believer is invited to come and drink.

Therefore, the question is, "Are you thirsty?" Then go to Jesus and receive. It is as simple as that.


1 Cor. 14:4 says, "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue, edifies himself, but he that prophecies edifies the church. What does edifying yourself mean? It means buliding yourself up in faith and holiness. Do we need that? You better believe it! Edifying yourself, or building yourself up is a necessary requirement for every believer. Jude 20 exhorts us to do it and at the same time linke it with "praying in the Holy Ghost", that is, with tongues.

When Paul compares edifying the church with edifying yourself, he certainly is not putting the last down! every one of us needs edification!

In opposition to some pentecostal denominations who hold to the doctrine that speaking in tongues is THE EVIDENCE of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, I am convinced that you can receive the baptism and not speak in tongues. Apparently, some believers have, but it is not the Lord's DESIRE! It is because of some blockage in the Spirit of the receiver that the tongues do not occur. The Lord in His great mercy, still baptizes them!

Now to call tongues "The (authoritative) Evidence" of the baptism is going way beyond scripture.

Acts 10:46 seems to be their only justification for this stand. It says that when them of the circumcision (Jewish) believed that the Holy ghost had been poured out on the gentiles in the gathering at cornelius' house becasue they heard them speak with tongues. Now this is the ONLY DIRECT INDICATION THAT THEY TOOK THAT AS EVIDENCE!!!


The word evidence itself is not a Biblical word. It comes from the English law system. The big drawback of using such a word is that there are two kinds of evidence! True and False evidence. Therefore, using such a word in a statement of doctrine does not render any help in evaluation! Inaddition, this doc trine at the same time renounces all the believers who believe themselves that they did receive the baptism without the tongues and therefore do not exercise the tongues.

Certainly it is wrong to call it the evidence. This is what really causes schism in the body. Satan is capable of counterfeiting all the gifts of the Spirit and seems to concentrate specially on tongues. I believe it is so because he realizes the great importance of this gift. The result is, there are many false tongues-speakers.

The disreptation these false tongues-speakers being casuse great harm to the Body of Christ.


for those who believe and know that they are baptized with the Holy Spirit but cannot sprak with tongues, the best advise is to overcome whatever the hindrance was and is. Go to Jesus with a repenting heart and receive by BEGINNING. By Faith, the Spiirt then will give you utterance. Scripture reveals that you have to begin. Acts 2:4. As long as you do not open your mouth using your tongue by faith, the Spirit does not give you the utterance! The Just shall live by faith, so why do you not begin?

Much ignorance on the baptism with the Holy Spirit has been caused by the church's neglect to teach. Many believers are asking, "but did I not have the Spirit when I got saved?" Of course you had the Spirit! The Word says that you can not even come to Jesus unless the Father draw you. And from the momrent you are born again, the Spirit will abide with you. BUT IT TAKES AN ADDITIONAL STEP OF FAITH and obedience to RECEIVE THE BAPTISM! AND THEN THE SPIRIT WILL BE IN YOU!! (Jn. 14:17)
It is clear that there are at least two "volumes" of the Holy Spirit. Enough and Not Enough!
In the Parable of the 10 virgins, 5 of them had enough oil (Holy Spirit) to the end, but the other 5 didn't have enough. Would you like to be like one of his 120 followers? Obey his command, come to the pentecostal upper room and receive the Loving Waters, and have it flow out of you?

I pray your answer be "YES LORD".

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