Friday, April 28, 2006

News Tidbit

Dear Friends. The end of my stay in California is in sight and I have a feeling that I might never be back here , I am kind of melancholic because California is such a beautiful state and I made several friends here . The lord has laid it on my heart to move closer to my Children and Grandchildren in the Eastern part of our country. Therefore On May 5 I hope to start driving back to Cincinnati and then to Virginia. My son Johan lives in Harrisonburg and most likely I will live close by there. Tonight he had a prayer request for some friends whom I also know. Chris and Phillip . She is pregnant and they have detected a heart abnormality in the baby boy. He might also have other problems. They are conducting more test right now. Please pray for that couple and their unborn baby.
I most likely will not send you any more E mails until I get to Cincinatti with my daughter Judy there. Hopefully , by May 10. Please pray also for me, it is a long drive . Greetings in Jesus's precious name Johannes

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