Friday, January 14, 2005

Father Knows Best

This concept is entirely based on TRUST. And Trust is the ultimate
form of honoring someone. It is a necessary ingredient in the love
relationship between father and child. God's Word speaks a lot about this Trust and
requires it in our relationship with Him. Because, He is our Heavenly Father. The
main reason why Jesus used little children as example in Math. 18:3, is the
fact that a little child has a complete trust in his parents and totally relies
on them. He said " unless you be converted and become as little children, you
shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven ". A normal child does never have fear or
worry about his/her needs, but assumes naturally that all needs will be

The trouble with us so called grownups is, that we think most of
the time, we are capable to figure out what we need and what we can do to bring
it about . I come to the conclusion and are convicted myself by it, that most
of us acknowledge "Father knows best " with our mind and lips, but in our
hearts and our spirit we do not believe it and therefore do not act according to
it. This hurt our heavenly Father very much and He expresses His dislike for
it several times in His Word to us. Therefore, there is a great need for us to
repent of this mistrust and change ways.

One of tHis most searing indictments of our hypocrisy in this
matter is found in Ezekiel 29:13. " And they come unto thee [Ezekiel], as the
people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear My Words. But
they will not do them, for with their mouth they show much love, BUT THEIR
HEART GOETH AFTER THEIR COVETOUSNESS". Ezekiel describes us rather well !
Covetousness seems to be our big problem. Isaiah 28;13 gives another reason why we
honor Him with our lips without obeying Him. " Wherefore the Lord said. For as
much as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor
me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is
taught by the precepts of men." I myself also has been taught wrongly that one
should not fear the Lord but that it only means that we should be in awe about
Him !

Indeed many of our prayers are expressing our concern over the
lack of things, which we supposed to be needing. Other prayers are often asking
the Lord to fix our problems the way we think that they should be fixed. God's
Word telling us that His ways are higher than our ways seem to have very
little effect on our thinking ! Many of the Lord's beautiful promises are
connected to our trust in Him. PS 84:5 sums it all up" Oh Lord of Hosts, Blessed is
the man that trusted in thee ". It would be a very good thing if we all study
Gods Word, specially concerning our trust in Him.

We are created to give Him Honor, TRUST is one of the highest
ways of doing this. We can worship and praise Him no better than to Trust Him and
while doing this let the Holy Spirit convict our hearts by the words of
proverbs 3:3. " Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not unto thine own
understanding " Prov, 16:9 is a serious reminder to us that regardless our
scheming. The Lord is the one who decides. "A man's heart deviseth his ways: but
the Lord directs his steps ". Do we really love and trust our Heavenly Father?
Do we really know that ALL Things work together for good to them that Love
God, who are called according to His purpose?{Romans 8:28} Even when disaster
strikes? "The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants: and NONE of THEM that
TRUST in Him shall be desolate" Ps 34:22. LOrd help me to put my complete Trust in
You by knowing that You my Heavenly Father always know best . AMEN.

Johannes G Weiss

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