Friday, January 14, 2005

Lenten Meditation

When our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ cried out in agony on the cross, He used His Heavenly Prayer language, which was not understood by the onlookers. However, it was interpreted by the Holy Spirit in God's Word.

He cried out "Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachtani ? that is to say: My God, MY God, why hast thou forsaken me ? {Math.27:46} Although Jesus had foreknowledge of many things, His Father God had spared Him the foreknowledge of the awesome fact that He had to be forsaken temporarily.

Father God has used and is still using the picture of the human father/son relationship, so that we can have a more clear understanding what the Father went through, by not answering His beloved Son at this time . There has not been any moment in the worlds history in which both our heavenly Father and Son has suffered more intense, than at that moment of Jesus's cry.

Can we really fathom the ultimate suffering of both our Father and His Son at this moment when the temporarily separation occurred ? It should fill us with awe and sorrow. But at the same time with joy, knowing that it happened for us and our sins. Gratitude is flooding our Hearts for this token of His tremendous Love for us !


11/14/03 Johannes G Weiss

I do have a son also and I can not even bear the thought that if he were to be tortured and cruelly killed, I would not even answer his cry although I had the power and ability to come to his rescue. How amazing and awsome the Love of our heavenly Father was and is manifested !And also the Love of Jesus for us, that He was willing to undergo all this suffering. JW

1 comment:

Lew said...

i disagree a little about very little of this and a lot about a lot!!!