Friday, January 14, 2005

Surely Goodness and Mercy

In 1970, a team of Asbury college students, who were touched by
the Holy Spirit, visited a church on the Southern border of Georgia. That church
was set on fire by the Holy Spirit also and in turn did send a team of young
people to our church in Orlando Florida. The same Holy Spirit Fire came down
upon our church and our entire family of 5 was greatly effected by it.

The Lord gave me a special promise scripture for my family to
remember always. It was from Psalms 23 verse 6 " Surely Goodness and Mercy shall
follow me ALL the days of our lives: and I will dwell in the House of the Lord
forever" We have been singing it ever since and we truly have experienced the
reality of it.

The Lord"s Goodness and Mercy has become daily very real to us.
However, we had to discover that the Lord has a different and better idea of
what His Goodness and Mercy is for us. It can and does sometimes include some
very unpleasant and hard things for us. Like Accidents, disasters, sickness and

At first I did not understand this and I had to learn the hard
way that " His Ways our higher than our ways" { Isa. 55:9 }. But then slowly we
learned to trust Him and believe that " ALL THINGS work together for the good
to them that love God, to them who are called according to His

Our 4 children are married and gone now. My wife of 54 years and
I are close to entering the House of the Lord forever. Praise His Holy Name!
Gratitude and Praise overflows our hearts. We are still making that melody in
our hearts and devotions. Because our Lord is faithful and is doing what He has
promised. So must we !
Johannes and
Clazina Weiss

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