A very common saying is " throwing the baby a way with the bath water. This came to my mind when I was reading a religious magazine article about excesses of the charismatic renewal. For the most part I agreed with the writer about the strange and unbiblical teachings that developed since the beginning of the charismatic renewal. It caused many believers to desire and experience many strange manifestations of the so called presence of God. A prime example was the the Laughing revival in Toronto. However when the writer declared that the absence of reference to the day of Pentecost after Acts 2 in the New Testament was an indication that God did not want us to experience any manifestations I did feel that many so called good evangelical Christians are throwing the baby away with the dirty bath water. The baby in this case are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The result is a great lack of Spiritual power in the Christian Church mission. It is a proven fact today that those people who are experiencing and practicing the gifts of the Holy Spirit have far more result from their mission work than those who are negative about the charismatic renewal. This is not so strange , considering the statement of Jesus in His last words of Acts 1:8." you shall receive power". All the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit which are listed in 1Cor.12
are manifestations given by God to help us to be more spiritual and stronger Christians. It causes us to have more impact on the unbelieving world. Including the much maligned gift of tongues..
To look at this another way, We all realize that Prayer is absolute necessary for our spiritual well being,which is required for being a good witness. Well , the Bible declares that we actually do not know how to pray but that the Holy Spirit can make intercession for us in our prayers . Crying Abbah Father with sounds we cannot produce.The divine gift of Healing's also can have a powerful effect on the unbelieving world.
We should never forget that our Father God wants us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts.[1Cor.14:1] I hope to you all are just eagerly doing that!
Johannes G Weiss
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Bogeyman
Originally Sent: 9/29/2008
by Johannes G. Weiss
The Bogeyman
Webster’s Dictionary defines “bogeyman” as an imaginary monstrous figure to threatening children.
I am using this word, because many people seem to see Satan as the bogeyman who threatens God's children. For sure however, he is real and the Bible shows us that he wants to do us harm [1 Peter 5:8].
The Bible also shows us that there is no need for God's children to have a fear for Satan. We need to know our enemy but not fear him.
In Luke 12:4 Jesus is telling us rather to fear Him, who after He kills has the power to cast into Hell.
And of course He is talking about our Father God, whom we should fear. If you have fear for the devil you should take a good look at some Bible verses.
The first one is short and somewhat hidden and therefore seems insignificant. But it is of great importance! John 14:30: "The Prince of this world is coming and has nothing in me."
Here Jesus is dismissing concern for what Satan can do when he comes. "He has nothing in me."
God's secret revealed here is that when we are covered by the blood of Jesus, Satan has no ground to hinder us. This idea should give us encouragement. God's admonition is: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness [Eph.5:11].
Someone has said that you cannot prevent the devil to fly over your head. But you certainly can prevent him to make a nest in your hair!
Then James 4:8 is God's instruction how to deal with the evil one. It should give us great comfort:
"DRAW NIGH UNTO GOD, RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU." It seems to me that the evil one has absolutely no chance to bother us when we obey our Lord's instruction.
When the Bible shows occasions that the devil was bothering God's children, it always indicates that God had to allow it. There is an outstanding story about that in both the Old and New Testament. The book of Job shows clearly that the devil is in submission to our Father God. Jesus reveals in Luke 22:31 that Satan desired to sift Peter like wheat. Jesus prayed that Peter's faith would not fail and that in the end, it would strengthen the brethren. When our Father God allows Satan to bother us, He always works it out for our good! [Romans 8:28]
Most of us confess to the absolute power of our God. And we believers in Jesus Christ are God's children. Therefore, should we not assume that our powerful heavenly Father will protect us from the evil one? There is no need to worry about attacks from bogeyman!
The Bible expresses our need to have confidence in our loving Heavenly Father several times.
Romans 8:31 states; "What shall we say then to these things, if God be for us, who can be against us?" Then continuing in verse 38 and 39, it is listing 10 occasions to point out that nothing can separate us from the Love of God. Are you persuaded of that?
For certain, it is not the bogeyman we should fear. We should focus our attention on ourselves. God and the Devil are not the only spiritual forces in the universe. God has created us also with a Spirit.
Watchman Nee with his book, "The Latent Power of the Soul," has opened my eyes to the fact that originally we had spiritual power for the good. But after the disobedience of Adam and Eve, this power went latent. However it can become active and working for the good through the Second Adam, Jesus Christ. When we get born again, all things become new and we get a new nature. Hallelujah!
If we are tempted to sin, we should not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind; then we will prove the good and acceptable and perfect will of God [Romans 12:2]. When we do fail sometimes we can only blame ourselves. Most of our temptations are coming from our own mind.
God mentions temptations as "common to man" [1Cor.10:13] and He is giving us the promise, that He will not suffer [allow] us to be tempted above that we are able to stand. But He will with the temptation also make a way of escape! This should comfort us a great deal.
So if we fall for the temptation, it is entirely our own fault. But our loving Heavenly Father has an antidote for our guilt. Through Jesus our Lord, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" [1 John 1:9] God is so Good! Amen.
The Bogeyman
Webster’s Dictionary defines “bogeyman” as an imaginary monstrous figure to threatening children.
I am using this word, because many people seem to see Satan as the bogeyman who threatens God's children. For sure however, he is real and the Bible shows us that he wants to do us harm [1 Peter 5:8].
The Bible also shows us that there is no need for God's children to have a fear for Satan. We need to know our enemy but not fear him.
In Luke 12:4 Jesus is telling us rather to fear Him, who after He kills has the power to cast into Hell.
And of course He is talking about our Father God, whom we should fear. If you have fear for the devil you should take a good look at some Bible verses.
The first one is short and somewhat hidden and therefore seems insignificant. But it is of great importance! John 14:30: "The Prince of this world is coming and has nothing in me."
Here Jesus is dismissing concern for what Satan can do when he comes. "He has nothing in me."
God's secret revealed here is that when we are covered by the blood of Jesus, Satan has no ground to hinder us. This idea should give us encouragement. God's admonition is: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness [Eph.5:11].
Someone has said that you cannot prevent the devil to fly over your head. But you certainly can prevent him to make a nest in your hair!
Then James 4:8 is God's instruction how to deal with the evil one. It should give us great comfort:
"DRAW NIGH UNTO GOD, RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU." It seems to me that the evil one has absolutely no chance to bother us when we obey our Lord's instruction.
When the Bible shows occasions that the devil was bothering God's children, it always indicates that God had to allow it. There is an outstanding story about that in both the Old and New Testament. The book of Job shows clearly that the devil is in submission to our Father God. Jesus reveals in Luke 22:31 that Satan desired to sift Peter like wheat. Jesus prayed that Peter's faith would not fail and that in the end, it would strengthen the brethren. When our Father God allows Satan to bother us, He always works it out for our good! [Romans 8:28]
Most of us confess to the absolute power of our God. And we believers in Jesus Christ are God's children. Therefore, should we not assume that our powerful heavenly Father will protect us from the evil one? There is no need to worry about attacks from bogeyman!
The Bible expresses our need to have confidence in our loving Heavenly Father several times.
Romans 8:31 states; "What shall we say then to these things, if God be for us, who can be against us?" Then continuing in verse 38 and 39, it is listing 10 occasions to point out that nothing can separate us from the Love of God. Are you persuaded of that?
For certain, it is not the bogeyman we should fear. We should focus our attention on ourselves. God and the Devil are not the only spiritual forces in the universe. God has created us also with a Spirit.
Watchman Nee with his book, "The Latent Power of the Soul," has opened my eyes to the fact that originally we had spiritual power for the good. But after the disobedience of Adam and Eve, this power went latent. However it can become active and working for the good through the Second Adam, Jesus Christ. When we get born again, all things become new and we get a new nature. Hallelujah!
If we are tempted to sin, we should not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind; then we will prove the good and acceptable and perfect will of God [Romans 12:2]. When we do fail sometimes we can only blame ourselves. Most of our temptations are coming from our own mind.
God mentions temptations as "common to man" [1Cor.10:13] and He is giving us the promise, that He will not suffer [allow] us to be tempted above that we are able to stand. But He will with the temptation also make a way of escape! This should comfort us a great deal.
So if we fall for the temptation, it is entirely our own fault. But our loving Heavenly Father has an antidote for our guilt. Through Jesus our Lord, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" [1 John 1:9] God is so Good! Amen.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The good Samaritan
This parable from Jesus is found in Luke 10:29-37. It was the answer of Jesus to a question from a lawyer who wanted to justify himself. The question was, "who is my neighbor " T
The question it self is very legitimate, because we can understand that God is not just talking about the people who are living next door.
In the light of the fact that daily there are so many urgent needs presented to us, we need to make choices as to whom we apply our aid. All of us have limited recourses and abilities. Other than prayer, we can not attend to the sufferings of the whole world. Therefore it is good to know from God which neighbor we should help.
From this parable we can deduct that our God will place the needed help cases on our pathway.
And it might be even people we do not like much! There was a great dislike between the Jews and the Samaritans! Jesus showed also that being a member of the clergy does make you necessary more spiritual.
Besides answering the question who our neighbor is, the parable also paints a picture of Jesus Himself. He is the good Samaritan. He was also rejected and despised.
The traveler was probably a backslider, because he was traveling in the wrong direction. Not going up to Zion, the city God, but returning to Jericho, the easy place of entry into the Promised Land.
I am assuming here that you have heard that the journey of God's chosen people to the promised land is a picture of our Christian life.
When we are going the wrong way, Our merciful God does many things to prevent us from backsliding and going into perdition. In this case, the highway robbers got to the traveler. The good Samaritan [Jesus]
was the only one who had compassion and took the wounded traveler back to the inn [church]. This after
applying wine [God's Word] and oil [the Holy Spirit]. Before He left, He paid a down payment for the cost and promised to return to pay in full.
Hallelujah! Jesus is coming back and will pay in full for our complete restoration !
Let us praise and worship Him!
Johannes G Weiss
The question it self is very legitimate, because we can understand that God is not just talking about the people who are living next door.
In the light of the fact that daily there are so many urgent needs presented to us, we need to make choices as to whom we apply our aid. All of us have limited recourses and abilities. Other than prayer, we can not attend to the sufferings of the whole world. Therefore it is good to know from God which neighbor we should help.
From this parable we can deduct that our God will place the needed help cases on our pathway.
And it might be even people we do not like much! There was a great dislike between the Jews and the Samaritans! Jesus showed also that being a member of the clergy does make you necessary more spiritual.
Besides answering the question who our neighbor is, the parable also paints a picture of Jesus Himself. He is the good Samaritan. He was also rejected and despised.
The traveler was probably a backslider, because he was traveling in the wrong direction. Not going up to Zion, the city God, but returning to Jericho, the easy place of entry into the Promised Land.
I am assuming here that you have heard that the journey of God's chosen people to the promised land is a picture of our Christian life.
When we are going the wrong way, Our merciful God does many things to prevent us from backsliding and going into perdition. In this case, the highway robbers got to the traveler. The good Samaritan [Jesus]
was the only one who had compassion and took the wounded traveler back to the inn [church]. This after
applying wine [God's Word] and oil [the Holy Spirit]. Before He left, He paid a down payment for the cost and promised to return to pay in full.
Hallelujah! Jesus is coming back and will pay in full for our complete restoration !
Let us praise and worship Him!
Johannes G Weiss
Monday, August 25, 2008
Whom Do You Call Stupid
Before I was baptized with the Holy Spirit in 1970 , I was reading the story of the plagues in Egypt and the demise of pharaoh [Exodus7 till Exodus 14], I thought that pharaoh was very stupid.
After all, even though he had experienced the miracles and having seen the power of the Lord with the Israelites, he still wanted to pursue them through the Red Sea. Did he never get the Lord's message to let them go ?
Now however, I am reminded how stupid I have been myself, not perceiving a clear message from the Lord about my overeating. This is what happened ;
Clazina my departed wife, who always took excellent care of me, made me daily a good lunch in a brown paper bag, which I took to work every morning. I would eat it around noon, but then walk to the closest fried chicken place to get a 2 piece snack. Of course I did not tell Clazina about this because I knew she would disapprove strongly.
So this went on for quite some time and I grew slowly fatter. One day, the chicken place had a good low priced special on a 4 piece meal and I could not resist [unbiblical according to 1Cor.10:13]
I took the box with chicken to a nearby park and sat down at a bench with a table.
Amazingly, as soon as I placed the box with chicken on the table, a strong small tornado[whirlwind] lifted my box up in the air and it went over the tree tops. ! Then it fell down about 50 meters away on the paved road.
I went to pick up the broken box and cleaned up the spilled out pieces of chicken and still ate them !
Obviously I did not get the Lord's message that I should not be eating so much. This to my shame and own hurt, because I became grossly over weight and now suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes
The Lord has forgiven me because I did repent and in His mercy He still let me become eighty years 0ld. I have learned my lesson, not to be too hasty to think someone else stupid. We might be prone ourselves to make the same mistakes.From the elderly bridge playing people I have learned to say however; " we elderly do not make stupid mistakes any longer. We only have some senior moments "
Yours truly, Johannes G Weiss
After all, even though he had experienced the miracles and having seen the power of the Lord with the Israelites, he still wanted to pursue them through the Red Sea. Did he never get the Lord's message to let them go ?
Now however, I am reminded how stupid I have been myself, not perceiving a clear message from the Lord about my overeating. This is what happened ;
Clazina my departed wife, who always took excellent care of me, made me daily a good lunch in a brown paper bag, which I took to work every morning. I would eat it around noon, but then walk to the closest fried chicken place to get a 2 piece snack. Of course I did not tell Clazina about this because I knew she would disapprove strongly.
So this went on for quite some time and I grew slowly fatter. One day, the chicken place had a good low priced special on a 4 piece meal and I could not resist [unbiblical according to 1Cor.10:13]
I took the box with chicken to a nearby park and sat down at a bench with a table.
Amazingly, as soon as I placed the box with chicken on the table, a strong small tornado[whirlwind] lifted my box up in the air and it went over the tree tops. ! Then it fell down about 50 meters away on the paved road.
I went to pick up the broken box and cleaned up the spilled out pieces of chicken and still ate them !
Obviously I did not get the Lord's message that I should not be eating so much. This to my shame and own hurt, because I became grossly over weight and now suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes
The Lord has forgiven me because I did repent and in His mercy He still let me become eighty years 0ld. I have learned my lesson, not to be too hasty to think someone else stupid. We might be prone ourselves to make the same mistakes.From the elderly bridge playing people I have learned to say however; " we elderly do not make stupid mistakes any longer. We only have some senior moments "
Yours truly, Johannes G Weiss
Friday, August 22, 2008
A different look at coercion:
Thinking about the controversial subject of men's free will, the word coercion came to me. When I learned English, I perceived that the general connotation is very negative.
Looking now in the Webster dictionary, I found that this not necessarily always true. Because Webster states as explanation number 1 ;" to restrain or dominate by nullifying individual will ". However the second and third explanation are mentioning the use of force and threat. No wonder that the English speaking people do not like to be coerced this way and the connotation is as something undesirable and bad.
If we take Webster's first definition of restraining and dominating, could we not use this concept in relation to the acts of God in our lives ? Do we not need to be restrained and dominated by our God ?
As for me, I certainly have the need in my life for God's restraint and domination in my life! And I believe that it is very biblical. Our sovereign God can and does use any method of His choice to bring us to repentance!
Where does this leave us as far as our so called free will? Some time ago I wrote an article and made the statement that may be men's free will is a misnomer. I pointed out that even in our decision making our Lord is involved. The surprising statement of Jesus in John 15:16, that He has chosen us and we did not choose Him, did make me look into the doctrine of our free choice.
I found out from Bible research that God indeed wants us to make choices. Joshua 24:15 is the clearest verse. It says " choose you this day whom you will serve "
Praise His Holy Name ! God also let David chose which of the 3 options to punishment he would prefer.
However John 15;16 and other Bible verses indicate that the Lord is directly involved when we have to make choices. Even to the point, so that we chose what He wants us to chose!
I really wonder how it is possible that we still remain responsible for our own choice. However this is absolutely also a biblical fact ! It seems that Our Lord is unfair, however I know that this is not true because our God is always just and fair. the Bible indicates this and we must accept and believe God's Word.
From Bible stories like the one in 2 Chron.22:23, where it states that the Lord did send a lying spirit, we can deduct that the Lord does coerce. Also other stories like the refusals of Pharaoh in Exodus 9 is telling us that God hardened Pharaoh's heart many times! and Pharaoh was still sinning! There is no doubt however that we remain responsible for our choices.
We must understand that our God is all knowing and may be He coerces people who are already bent on sinning and have an evil heart. Considering all this, we can understand that we only have a limited free will and that the Lord is involved in everything we chose.The Lord is conducting us continuously. We can trust Him that all things work for the good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose.
I am glad that our Lord restrains and dominates me. But I pray that I will grow more in the likeness of Jesus so that I will always obey Him out of my love for Him. How about you ? Johannes G Weiss
Thinking about the controversial subject of men's free will, the word coercion came to me. When I learned English, I perceived that the general connotation is very negative.
Looking now in the Webster dictionary, I found that this not necessarily always true. Because Webster states as explanation number 1 ;" to restrain or dominate by nullifying individual will ". However the second and third explanation are mentioning the use of force and threat. No wonder that the English speaking people do not like to be coerced this way and the connotation is as something undesirable and bad.
If we take Webster's first definition of restraining and dominating, could we not use this concept in relation to the acts of God in our lives ? Do we not need to be restrained and dominated by our God ?
As for me, I certainly have the need in my life for God's restraint and domination in my life! And I believe that it is very biblical. Our sovereign God can and does use any method of His choice to bring us to repentance!
Where does this leave us as far as our so called free will? Some time ago I wrote an article and made the statement that may be men's free will is a misnomer. I pointed out that even in our decision making our Lord is involved. The surprising statement of Jesus in John 15:16, that He has chosen us and we did not choose Him, did make me look into the doctrine of our free choice.
I found out from Bible research that God indeed wants us to make choices. Joshua 24:15 is the clearest verse. It says " choose you this day whom you will serve "
Praise His Holy Name ! God also let David chose which of the 3 options to punishment he would prefer.
However John 15;16 and other Bible verses indicate that the Lord is directly involved when we have to make choices. Even to the point, so that we chose what He wants us to chose!
I really wonder how it is possible that we still remain responsible for our own choice. However this is absolutely also a biblical fact ! It seems that Our Lord is unfair, however I know that this is not true because our God is always just and fair. the Bible indicates this and we must accept and believe God's Word.
From Bible stories like the one in 2 Chron.22:23, where it states that the Lord did send a lying spirit, we can deduct that the Lord does coerce. Also other stories like the refusals of Pharaoh in Exodus 9 is telling us that God hardened Pharaoh's heart many times! and Pharaoh was still sinning! There is no doubt however that we remain responsible for our choices.
We must understand that our God is all knowing and may be He coerces people who are already bent on sinning and have an evil heart. Considering all this, we can understand that we only have a limited free will and that the Lord is involved in everything we chose.The Lord is conducting us continuously. We can trust Him that all things work for the good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose.
I am glad that our Lord restrains and dominates me. But I pray that I will grow more in the likeness of Jesus so that I will always obey Him out of my love for Him. How about you ? Johannes G Weiss
Friday, August 01, 2008
Intolerant Christianity?
The word tolerance and the practice of it is very popular today. It is so called very" political correct " And under this concept every thing goes. They even tolerate homosexual pastors in our churches and legalize abortion. ! The word tolerance as such is not in the Bible. However, Romans 2:4 and 3:29 is telling us that our God has "forbearance". The word tolerance is widely used in the mechanical sense, indicating then a clearance between parts and usually moving parts. Like a roller bearing forinstance.If there is no sufficient tolerance in between the rollers, and also too much clearance, either way friction will produce heat which will destroy the bearing.In addition for a right operation Lubricant {oil} is often needed.
We can use these mechanical facts also in our Christian lives as applying to our human relationships with others. The Bible does teach us to forbear one another.[Eph, 4:2]. The lack of Christian forbearance [tolerance] and also too much of it will cause lots of friction. Heat in the form of human anger will destroy many relationships.I believe that love is the required lubricant, taking the place of oil, in order to have good relationships.
While evangelizing, I often run into unbelievers who are accusing Christians of being intolerant. They often ha.ve heard about the claim of Jesus in the Bible, that He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father,but by me."[John14:6]this seem to be a stumbling stone for many unbelievers. Recently, a relative of me said to me, "I believe in Jesus but this Scriptures is wrong, Jesus never could have said this"
He was taught that when you read the Bible, you have to judge what is right and what is wrong. Because the Bible is written by humans and there are wrong things in it . This kind of thinking is very displeasing to Father God because He inspired the writers of His Word and there are no mistakes !
Lately I heard another argument. Quoting Mark 10:5 to prove that sometimes the Bible is wrong. Jesus says that because the hardness of our hearts Moses instituted a letter of divorce, but in the beginning it was not so.So his conclusion was that Deut.24:1 was wrong !
Instead of mistakes in the Bible this scripture to me show the great tolerance of our God ! He is the ultimate example of Mercy and Grace !
The word "longsuffering" is mainly used in the Bible and also the word "forbearance". It shows that these are the character traits of our God.
Psalm 86;15 sums it all up "But thou oh Lord art a God,full of compassion and gracious, Long suffering and plenteous in mercy and truth ".
An example of His tolerance we find in 2 Kings 5:19. When the Prophet Elisha allows Naaman to bow down with his king in the temple of Rimmon. He said "go in peace ". I find it also remarkable that Ruth who was a Moabite woman, was uses by God to produce David and Jesus in the family line. ![Ruth 4:22]
There are many more scriptures showing the great forbearance of our heavenly Father. Jesus, on the cross praying, "Father forgive them , for they do not know what they do ". This is an ultimate example of His great mercy and forbearance. How can the world say that our God and our Faith is intolerant ?
God states in 2 Peter 3:9 " the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count it slackness; but is LONGSUFFERING to us-ward.
Nor willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He is postponing His return and His final judgement of this sinful world, in order to give more souls a chance in Gal. 5:22 to repent.
Many times, when I observe the terrible sins being committed by the human race, I think , that I would wipe them all out at once. Of course this shows a lack of forbearance in me. Forbearance is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Thus as Christians, we should have it also. Please pray for me that I may be more like Jesus in kindness and longsuffering.
Are you may be one of them for whom Jesus is waiting to repent? Please do not postpone it, the Lord is coming soon !.
Johannes Weiss
We can use these mechanical facts also in our Christian lives as applying to our human relationships with others. The Bible does teach us to forbear one another.[Eph, 4:2]. The lack of Christian forbearance [tolerance] and also too much of it will cause lots of friction. Heat in the form of human anger will destroy many relationships.I believe that love is the required lubricant, taking the place of oil, in order to have good relationships.
While evangelizing, I often run into unbelievers who are accusing Christians of being intolerant. They often ha.ve heard about the claim of Jesus in the Bible, that He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father,but by me."[John14:6]this seem to be a stumbling stone for many unbelievers. Recently, a relative of me said to me, "I believe in Jesus but this Scriptures is wrong, Jesus never could have said this"
He was taught that when you read the Bible, you have to judge what is right and what is wrong. Because the Bible is written by humans and there are wrong things in it . This kind of thinking is very displeasing to Father God because He inspired the writers of His Word and there are no mistakes !
Lately I heard another argument. Quoting Mark 10:5 to prove that sometimes the Bible is wrong. Jesus says that because the hardness of our hearts Moses instituted a letter of divorce, but in the beginning it was not so.So his conclusion was that Deut.24:1 was wrong !
Instead of mistakes in the Bible this scripture to me show the great tolerance of our God ! He is the ultimate example of Mercy and Grace !
The word "longsuffering" is mainly used in the Bible and also the word "forbearance". It shows that these are the character traits of our God.
Psalm 86;15 sums it all up "But thou oh Lord art a God,full of compassion and gracious, Long suffering and plenteous in mercy and truth ".
An example of His tolerance we find in 2 Kings 5:19. When the Prophet Elisha allows Naaman to bow down with his king in the temple of Rimmon. He said "go in peace ". I find it also remarkable that Ruth who was a Moabite woman, was uses by God to produce David and Jesus in the family line. ![Ruth 4:22]
There are many more scriptures showing the great forbearance of our heavenly Father. Jesus, on the cross praying, "Father forgive them , for they do not know what they do ". This is an ultimate example of His great mercy and forbearance. How can the world say that our God and our Faith is intolerant ?
God states in 2 Peter 3:9 " the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count it slackness; but is LONGSUFFERING to us-ward.
Nor willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He is postponing His return and His final judgement of this sinful world, in order to give more souls a chance in Gal. 5:22 to repent.
Many times, when I observe the terrible sins being committed by the human race, I think , that I would wipe them all out at once. Of course this shows a lack of forbearance in me. Forbearance is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Thus as Christians, we should have it also. Please pray for me that I may be more like Jesus in kindness and longsuffering.
Are you may be one of them for whom Jesus is waiting to repent? Please do not postpone it, the Lord is coming soon !.
Johannes Weiss
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It is the idea of God Himself to picture himself as a Father. This may be because all of us have a earthly father and can understand the implications of this relationship.
I believe that therefore Jesus started the prayer HE is teaching us with "Our Father"
It is also very significant that it starts with the word "OUR'. And the idea of "our" is also repeated throughout the rest of the prayer. There it is mentioning "us
instead of "me'. This in order to let us realize that we all, as believers are included as children of our Father. God is not only my God but "Ours'
Sometimes I seem to be inclined to personolize God for myself, but the Holy Spirit always corrects me. I believe it is good to think of yourself as a child of God. However, we must realize that we are one of many others.
The prayer continues to indicate who and where our Father is. 'Who art in Heaven" and then it expresses our desire that His name will be Hallowed. This means that we want that His name is always honored and glorified.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. We are in a way saying that we know that His Kingdom and His wiil is not yet realized here on earth. But that we want it to come. as it is promised during the 1000 year reign of our Lord Jesus. Now His will is done abolutely by His Angels in Heaven, since he has trown Lucifer and His rebelious Angels out.
"Give us this day our daily bread". This is the only simple request for our physical needs. Quite different from so many of our human prayers which are filled with
"Lord give me,give me, give me! This day and daily shows that it is needed to pray every day for this. One day at the time.The Next sentance continues with the word "and". It showes me also that here our daily bread is connected to our forgiveness. "and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors". This is such an important issue that In Mathew 6:14 and 15, on the end of the prayer, Jesus emphasizes this again. The quality of the forgiving we do is also in focus ,because sometimes we think that we forgave but it is not completely done in our Spirit.
"And lead us not into temptation". This seems to be in contradiction with James 1:13. There God stated that He tempts no one ! However, from other scriptures
[1 Cor.10:9/14]we know that temptation come either from our own lusts or from the Evil One. God does test us sometimes and the Bible uses the word tempt in place of test. I believe that this request of "lead us not into temptation" could be rephrased by saying" Lord do not allow the evil one to lead us into sin"Ti idea is inforced by the follwing,'but deliver us from evil."Some translation say "from the evil one"
" For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever " Here we are expressing our desire and admittance that those 3 things are God's possesions and rights. they are mentiones in others parts of God's Word. Rev. 4 says Glory ,Honor and Power. AMEN!
Johannes G Weiss
I believe that therefore Jesus started the prayer HE is teaching us with "Our Father"
It is also very significant that it starts with the word "OUR'. And the idea of "our" is also repeated throughout the rest of the prayer. There it is mentioning "us
instead of "me'. This in order to let us realize that we all, as believers are included as children of our Father. God is not only my God but "Ours'
Sometimes I seem to be inclined to personolize God for myself, but the Holy Spirit always corrects me. I believe it is good to think of yourself as a child of God. However, we must realize that we are one of many others.
The prayer continues to indicate who and where our Father is. 'Who art in Heaven" and then it expresses our desire that His name will be Hallowed. This means that we want that His name is always honored and glorified.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. We are in a way saying that we know that His Kingdom and His wiil is not yet realized here on earth. But that we want it to come. as it is promised during the 1000 year reign of our Lord Jesus. Now His will is done abolutely by His Angels in Heaven, since he has trown Lucifer and His rebelious Angels out.
"Give us this day our daily bread". This is the only simple request for our physical needs. Quite different from so many of our human prayers which are filled with
"Lord give me,give me, give me! This day and daily shows that it is needed to pray every day for this. One day at the time.The Next sentance continues with the word "and". It showes me also that here our daily bread is connected to our forgiveness. "and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors". This is such an important issue that In Mathew 6:14 and 15, on the end of the prayer, Jesus emphasizes this again. The quality of the forgiving we do is also in focus ,because sometimes we think that we forgave but it is not completely done in our Spirit.
"And lead us not into temptation". This seems to be in contradiction with James 1:13. There God stated that He tempts no one ! However, from other scriptures
[1 Cor.10:9/14]we know that temptation come either from our own lusts or from the Evil One. God does test us sometimes and the Bible uses the word tempt in place of test. I believe that this request of "lead us not into temptation" could be rephrased by saying" Lord do not allow the evil one to lead us into sin"Ti idea is inforced by the follwing,'but deliver us from evil."Some translation say "from the evil one"
" For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever " Here we are expressing our desire and admittance that those 3 things are God's possesions and rights. they are mentiones in others parts of God's Word. Rev. 4 says Glory ,Honor and Power. AMEN!
Johannes G Weiss
Monday, July 21, 2008
When I read God's Word, the Bible, I get a picture of our Father God as a loving Father who is always seeking reconciliation with us, His creation. The story of the prodigal son is a good example of our relationship with our Father God.[Luke 15:20]
The message of God through the Bible is actually very simple and can be called “the gospel of good news”. It is apparent that God created us to have fellowship with Him and bring Him glory,honor and power.[Rev.4:11]. It seems clear that he wants to receive this for now on a volunteer basis.
Even His angels had the ability to make a choice, either to follow Lucifer in His rebellion or keep serving God. [Isa. 14:12] When He created us humans, He also gave us a choice. Either to obey or disobey Him. And of course we all know that Adam and Eve did not obey God's demand not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.[Gen2:17]
Our Father God does not want us like robots, without our own will and choice. As proof of our responding love for Him He is asking for obedience.[John15:14]. Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the human race was and is alienated from God. Basically, all disobedience to God is ca
lled “sin”, which separates us=2
0from fellowship with our Father God. It is the sin of disobedience which separates the human race from fellowship with our creator. However, from the beginning of His creation God made a plan of reconciliation,which is already revealed in Rev. 3:15.
God's method of reconciliation is through His son Jesus Christ, whom He did send to earth in Human form to teach us and to suffer for our sins by death on the Cross. This in order so that we might believe in Him and be restored as children of God and have fellowship with Him for eternity
It seems impossible to shake of our sinful nature,because we are all born in sin. But when we accept Jesus and His suffering for our sins, a miracle happens. We become creatures who are born again with a new natur e and over whom sin does not have dominion any longer.[Rom.6:14 and 22].
God does this through the power of the Holy Spirit, whom He did send after Jesus went to heaven.
The Holy Spirit is also the one who brings us to repentance. He is God and His working agent here on earth. .He probably made you read this article, in order to understand the simple Gospel of Good News. . After we come to repentance, we as believers in Jesus Christ want to obey His commands. Then we will know that He created us to bring Him glory and Honor
One o
f the best ways to do that according to Jesus is to bear much fruit.[John15:8] Fruit bearing means multiplication of believers through being a witness.
Already in the beginning of His short ministry He refers to the Promise of the Father, which is the out poring of the Holy Spirit[John7:37/39]. He gave us as His disciples the great commission to make more disciples and baptize them.[Math.28:18/20 and Mark16:15/18].
Jesus did use His last words here on earth to tell us about receiving the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. This in order to an effective witness in all the world.
So here we have the simple gospel of Jesus Christ.. Did you repent from your sin and are you forgiven through the Blood of Jesus Christ? Do you read the Bible regularly? Are you a believer and bearing fruit so that others will believe ?
I Pray that you can answer these most important questions with a resounding “ Yes Lord “
Johannes G Weiss
The message of God through the Bible is actually very simple and can be called “the gospel of good news”. It is apparent that God created us to have fellowship with Him and bring Him glory,honor and power.[Rev.4:11]. It seems clear that he wants to receive this for now on a volunteer basis.
Even His angels had the ability to make a choice, either to follow Lucifer in His rebellion or keep serving God. [Isa. 14:12] When He created us humans, He also gave us a choice. Either to obey or disobey Him. And of course we all know that Adam and Eve did not obey God's demand not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.[Gen2:17]
Our Father God does not want us like robots, without our own will and choice. As proof of our responding love for Him He is asking for obedience.[John15:14]. Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the human race was and is alienated from God. Basically, all disobedience to God is ca
lled “sin”, which separates us=2
0from fellowship with our Father God. It is the sin of disobedience which separates the human race from fellowship with our creator. However, from the beginning of His creation God made a plan of reconciliation,which is already revealed in Rev. 3:15.
God's method of reconciliation is through His son Jesus Christ, whom He did send to earth in Human form to teach us and to suffer for our sins by death on the Cross. This in order so that we might believe in Him and be restored as children of God and have fellowship with Him for eternity
It seems impossible to shake of our sinful nature,because we are all born in sin. But when we accept Jesus and His suffering for our sins, a miracle happens. We become creatures who are born again with a new natur e and over whom sin does not have dominion any longer.[Rom.6:14 and 22].
God does this through the power of the Holy Spirit, whom He did send after Jesus went to heaven.
The Holy Spirit is also the one who brings us to repentance. He is God and His working agent here on earth. .He probably made you read this article, in order to understand the simple Gospel of Good News. . After we come to repentance, we as believers in Jesus Christ want to obey His commands. Then we will know that He created us to bring Him glory and Honor
One o
f the best ways to do that according to Jesus is to bear much fruit.[John15:8] Fruit bearing means multiplication of believers through being a witness.
Already in the beginning of His short ministry He refers to the Promise of the Father, which is the out poring of the Holy Spirit[John7:37/39]. He gave us as His disciples the great commission to make more disciples and baptize them.[Math.28:18/20 and Mark16:15/18].
Jesus did use His last words here on earth to tell us about receiving the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. This in order to an effective witness in all the world.
So here we have the simple gospel of Jesus Christ.. Did you repent from your sin and are you forgiven through the Blood of Jesus Christ? Do you read the Bible regularly? Are you a believer and bearing fruit so that others will believe ?
I Pray that you can answer these most important questions with a resounding “ Yes Lord “
Johannes G Weiss
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