Friday, August 01, 2008

Intolerant Christianity?

The word tolerance and the practice of it is very popular today. It is so called very" political correct " And under this concept every thing goes. They even tolerate homosexual pastors in our churches and legalize abortion. ! The word tolerance as such is not in the Bible. However, Romans 2:4 and 3:29 is telling us that our God has "forbearance". The word tolerance is widely used in the mechanical sense, indicating then a clearance between parts and usually moving parts. Like a roller bearing forinstance.If there is no sufficient tolerance in between the rollers, and also too much clearance, either way friction will produce heat which will destroy the bearing.In addition for a right operation Lubricant {oil} is often needed.
We can use these mechanical facts also in our Christian lives as applying to our human relationships with others. The Bible does teach us to forbear one another.[Eph, 4:2]. The lack of Christian forbearance [tolerance] and also too much of it will cause lots of friction. Heat in the form of human anger will destroy many relationships.I believe that love is the required lubricant, taking the place of oil, in order to have good relationships.
While evangelizing, I often run into unbelievers who are accusing Christians of being intolerant. They often heard about the claim of Jesus in the Bible, that He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father,but by me."[John14:6]this seem to be a stumbling stone for many unbelievers. Recently, a relative of me said to me, "I believe in Jesus but this Scriptures is wrong, Jesus never could have said this"
He was taught that when you read the Bible, you have to judge what is right and what is wrong. Because the Bible is written by humans and there are wrong things in it . This kind of thinking is very displeasing to Father God because He inspired the writers of His Word and there are no mistakes !
Lately I heard another argument. Quoting Mark 10:5 to prove that sometimes the Bible is wrong. Jesus says that because the hardness of our hearts Moses instituted a letter of divorce, but in the beginning it was not so.So his conclusion was that Deut.24:1 was wrong !
Instead of mistakes in the Bible this scripture to me show the great tolerance of our God ! He is the ultimate example of Mercy and Grace !
The word "longsuffering" is mainly used in the Bible and also the word "forbearance". It shows that these are the character traits of our God.
Psalm 86;15 sums it all up "But thou oh Lord art a God,full of compassion and gracious, Long suffering and plenteous in mercy and truth ".
An example of His tolerance we find in 2 Kings 5:19. When the Prophet Elisha allows Naaman to bow down with his king in the temple of Rimmon. He said "go in peace ". I find it also remarkable that Ruth who was a Moabite woman, was uses by God to produce David and Jesus in the family line. ![Ruth 4:22]
There are many more scriptures showing the great forbearance of our heavenly Father. Jesus, on the cross praying, "Father forgive them , for they do not know what they do ". This is an ultimate example of His great mercy and forbearance. How can the world say that our God and our Faith is intolerant ?
God states in 2 Peter 3:9 " the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count it slackness; but is LONGSUFFERING to us-ward.
Nor willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He is postponing His return and His final judgement of this sinful world, in order to give more souls a chance in Gal. 5:22 to repent.
Many times, when I observe the terrible sins being committed by the human race, I think , that I would wipe them all out at once. Of course this shows a lack of forbearance in me. Forbearance is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Thus as Christians, we should have it also. Please pray for me that I may be more like Jesus in kindness and longsuffering.
Are you may be one of them for whom Jesus is waiting to repent? Please do not postpone it, the Lord is coming soon !.
Johannes Weiss

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